Bowel Perforation During Surgery: $2 Million Settlement
2024 Medical Malpractice Case Report
By Attorney Krysia J. Syska
Suffolk Superior Court, Boston, Massachusetts
Delay in diagnosis and treatment of bowel perforation after radical cystectomy results in death
Plaintiff’s decedent underwent radical cystectomy performed by the defendant for treatment of newly diagnosed Stage II bladder cancer. During surgery the small bowel was perforated but the defendant did not recognize the complication and did not repair the perforation. As a result, the patient was transferred to the recovery room with bowel contents seeping into her abdomen.
Within hours of being transferred to the floor she was complaining of nausea. Her vital signs were abnormal and her abdomen was distended. She was seen by numerous provider defendants who failed to recognize her signs and symptoms of an acute abdomen. On post operative day 2 a CT scan was finally obtained and showed a large amount of free fluid in the abdomen but inexplicably the defendants failed to take the patient to the operating room.
It was not until Post Op Day 3 when the patient had altered mental status changes, shortness of breath and labored breathing it was determined that general surgery needed to be consulted. General surgery found her to be in septic shock and upon review of the CT scan from the prior day noted that a GI leak and possible obstruction was present requiring surgery.
She was taken to the OR where a bowel perforation was identified and resected. Unfortunately, while on the operating table she suffered cardiac arrest and died. Her cause of death was septic shock due to perforated small intestine.
The wrongful death claim was resolved for $2,000,000 in the weeks prior to trial.
Lubin & Meyer attorneys Andrew C. Meyer and Krysia J. Syska represented the plaintiff in this medical malpractice lawsuit.
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